SIMADO GFXD1111S is a single channel GSM/3G-FXO-FXS bridge which can be used for voice, data and SMS applications. The unit works as an interface between GSM/3G and POTS networks. On the GSM side, it supports all GSM/3G frequency bands, providing world-wide usage flexibility. On the POTS side both FXS and FXO interfaces are supported. Incoming calls on GSM/3G port can be routed on FXS or FXO port.
SIMADO GFXD1111S converts all fixed-to-mobile calls into mobile-to-mobile calls for significant cost savings. Furthermore, SIMADO GFXD1111S can be connected to a computer using serial interface port for web browsing, sending and receiving SMS, data and file transfer.
SIMADO GFXD1111S is an ideal choice for small offices with need of lowering communication cost, home offices, remote project sites with limited fixed-line connectivity, temporary office set ups and retail shops.
Key Features
- Easy connectivity with existing telephony interfaces
- Fall-back connectivity to PSTN in IP network outage
- Web-browsing and File Transfer using Class 10 GPRS Services
- SMS send/receive using PC based Clients
- 12/16 kHz metering pulse generation for accurate billing in payphone applications
- Restrict unwanted calls with list of denied numbers
- Direct number dialing on the cellular networks with automatic number translation
- Hotline extension dialing
- Country specific programmable call progress tones like Dial Tone, Ring Back Tone and Busy Tone etc.
- Caller ID presentation on analog extension
- Emergency number dialing, even in absence of SIM card

GSM/3G# and POTS Connectivity for Traditional PBX
- Reduce fixed to mobile call costs
- PBX users can access GSM/3G and PSTN network from traditional analog extension
- Maintain existing dialing habits and communication patterns
- Compatible with all industry leading PBXs
Data Applications
- Web browsing and File Transfer over GPRS
- Send and Receive SMS using various SMS Clients